Thursday, December 1, 2005

FreeWheelers on the Delta

The Northern CA chapter of RVing Women, the FreeWheelers, met for a few days at Delta Shores. There was a holiday potluck and gift exchange for the nearly 70 women who attended. Some of the gifts were pretty bawdy and we laughed a lot and enjoyed the shenanigans of the 'steal a gift' game.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Post Menopausal Fat

I can feel myself dragging around the 25-30 pounds I've gained in the past 15 years. I don't like the way my clothes fit and I really do want to be more fit again sooo... a revised South Beach meal plan has been started. I've cut way back on carbs, though I don't care to eat as much protein as recommended. Meals have been delicious and healthy snacking is encouraged, so I'm not hungry.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Russian River TTN

I'm camped here for several days. It's beautiful at this time of year - green and peaceful and only about 20% occupancy. There is wifi in the lodge so I was able to upload Baja pictures and text to my blog. There was a notice posted that warned of a mountain lion prowling the park at night. I was a bit nervous walking back to my campsite after leaving the lodge at 9:00 PM.