Saturday, August 6, 2005

A Busy Week

The past week has been a mish-mash of different activities for me. I like to help out Cassandra since she so generously let's me stay in 'The Studio' when I am here. Her place is on the Yellowstone River and she built a nice observation deck down on the bank overlooking the river. This year has been great for rain after so many years of drought; however that also means that the path down to the deck and from the deck to the river was very overgrown. I grabbed the long-handled pruning shears and fired up the weed-eater and cut a new path down to the river. Hannah was the first one to take advantage of the new access; she and friends drove upriver a few miles and floated down here on inner tubes and were able to use the path to get back up from the river.

Cassandra always has several projects going on, such as restoring her downtown building to create 'The North 40' coffeehouse and frame shop; or remodeling her duplex down the street for rentals; or clearing brush and debris from her empty lots next door to start a big garden; on and on - you get the picture. Anyway, her gardening and construction tools are always in use and getting mixed up with tools belonging to others who are working on the projects. So now I'm gathering everything up and 'branding' them with red and purple paint so it will be easier for them to find their way back to Cassandra's workshop.

Val is selling part of her ranch land, so we went out a few days ago to see where she needs to flag the boundaries for the realtor to be able to show clients. We also took her pickup truck out in the hills and drove around to flatten the grass so the realtor will have a 'road' to follow to show the land to prospective buyers. It is gorgeous out there with a stunning view of the Crazies. We saw several does with their fawns and also a Pronghorn doe with triplets - pretty rare.

This is Val with her dog Jacqui whose breed is Bouvier... Jacqui Bouvier - get it ? :-)