Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Big Sky of Montana

I woke up to the glory of Montana... rugged mountain peaks at the edges of open meadows of wildflowers and golden grasses; hills of juniper forest and sage brush; mule deer and pronghorns (mistakenly labeled antelope) grazing in the meadows; a reveille of early morning birdsong and chatter; and the big sky of Montana embracing the whole scene. My spirit breathed a big sigh...ahhh - so good to be back! As I drove along the Madison, I was treated to the sight of several flotillas of white pelicans gliding along the river and fishing the eddies. I love these big birds - so elegant as they float the current or fly in formation a few feet above the water.

I arrived in Belgrade to gas up at Flying J and take a long, hot shower. These truck stops have clean, private bathrooms with showers and I take advantage when I can. Another stop in Bozeman to stock up on healthy food at the Community Food Co-op. Next stop... Big Timber!!