Sunday, July 24, 2005

Camping in the Crazies

On Tuesday I drove out to Half Moon campground to meet friends for a few days of hanging out. It's only 25 miles from Big Timber but the drive takes an hour because of the bumpy dirt road. When I arrived, I discovered that I had a flat tire. Rosemary and Holly offered to help me, but it was my first flat tire for this big van and I wanted to change it by myself to get the practice. R & H graciously stood by for my hour of sweating and cussing, offering suggestions and swatting the pesky deer flies that wanted to eat me.

Seven of us shared a delicious meal and a campfire that night and enjoyed talking and laughing together. Unfortunately, Cassandra had too much on her calendar and had to leave after dinner. Ann is a friend I met at a Sportsmobile function in California (She has a rig like mine). She recently sold her house and started traveling fulltime in her SMB with her sweet yellow lab, Jacob. She was in Yellowstone NP when I arrived in Montana, so I asked her to come up and hang with us. Ivanie arrived with her sister, Allison (visiting from Seattle).

What a great group of strong, interesting, independent women! Funny story: Just before Ivanie left her house, an old friend telephoned (a male). When she told him she was meeting other women for camping, he asked "Oh, is it with the ladies from the town sewing circle?"


Anyway... the weather was sunny and warm and many of us enjoyed hiking. I felt kind of pooped afterwards and decided I'm probably not used to the altitude yet. Holly and Rosemary went fly fishing and shared their catch with us at dinner that evening. Whenever they catch a fish over a foot long they name it, so the first one was named in honor of Ivanie.