Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Purple Cast

My sister had foot surgery in June and is on crutches with a non weight-bearing cast for a month, so I spent a lot of the past 2 weeks helping her out at home. Well...I'll be selfish and say that it's been great having her confined like this because I've enjoyed spending so much time with her. Barbara's life is so busy with work and family (and I'm traveling most of the time) that we rarely get to spend one-on-one time together.

When I took her to have the original white cast changed, she had a choice of colors for the new one and now has a beautiful purple cast. Cool!

While hanging out in the Bay Area with Sissy, I spent several nights 'stealth camping' at the Berkeley marina. In the mornings I took walks around the marina and along the trails at Cesar Chavez Park - a great way to start the day.