Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Laguna Manuela

We left Santispac by 9:00 and stopped in Mulege to fill up our tanks and jugs with purified water before heading north. We've been using walkie talkie radios to communicate between our three rigs while driving. It's especially handy for calling out to the lead car "Need a pee break... pull over when you can".

Toni only has a 13 gallon gas tank, so sometimes she has to add fuel from one of her gas cans.

After stopping in Guerrero Negro for groceries, we drove north to Villa Jesus Maria. From there we headed west on a washboard road for several miles until we arrived at Laguna Manuela. We didn't venture too far out on the beach because Toni immediately got stuck in the sand. She was prepared though; she had brought 4 or 5 foot lengths of textured plastic runner which she placed behind the rear tires and she was able to back out.

Looking down the beach we noticed hundreds of gulls circling and saw a fish camp there. We walked down the beach and watched the men gut the fish and throw them in the back of their pickups. The sight of all those gulls circling over them was awesome and we later kicked ourselves for not having brought a camera along. There was also a pod of large dolphins swimming offshore.