Sunday, October 23, 2005

Creatures of the Back Lagoon

There is a small lagoon behind our camp and the entrance is right next to our row of palapas. At low tide it's possible to walk back on the sand spit, though it's easier to explore by kayak at high tide. Donna and Toni found the hot spring back there but said it's pretty muddy and not very appealing.

There are four different types of herons that live in the lagoon. The Great Blue hangs out and fishes at the back, though once I saw him perched on top of our kitchen palapa. The Black Crowned Night Heron (or was it the Yellow Crowned?...hmm) comes at dusk to stand in the shallow lagoon entrance to fish.

There are about 6 or 8 Green Herons that fly out of the mangroves at dusk. Before taking flight, they squawk an explosive sharp 'skeew' that reminds me of Jurassic Park. Remember the flying flesh-eaters (can't recall their proper name) that eerily called out from the jungle?