Sunday, October 16, 2005

Bad Company

There were a couple of days when our quiet little beach got invaded by undesireables. One couple in a pickup and camper set up camp near us and played loud country western music. He had started drinking in the afternoon and by evening he was drunk and singing loudly and off key. By 11:30 that night everyone else had gone to bed and he was still drinking and slurring bad singing. When I went over to ask him to please be quiet, he got surly so I said "Just shut up and go to bed you drunken fool". Surprisingly... he did. And fortunately they didn't stick around long.

Another couple had camped there the night before and they got into a fight and walked the beach that night yelling at each other. Arrgggh.

One family brought an a obnoxiously loud jet ski to their picnic. Otherwise they were nice people so we just took deep breaths until they left at the end of the day.

OK I'm just going to bitch about one more thing - the busload of German tourists who stopped for a swim and used one of our palapas for lunch. I know it sounds petty to complain but it felt so invasive. I mean like right next to us...a busload.

Aside from those couple days...tranquillity.