Monday, October 10, 2005

San Ignacio

Donna wanted to check out some cave paintings, so we decided to spend a couple of nights in the charming oasis village of San Ignacio. We stayed at El Padrino campgound next to a date palm orchard on the outskirts of town. During the night I heard loud crunching sounds outside and when I shined my flashlight, I saw a couple of horses nonchalantly munching the grass next to my rig.

I chose not to accompany the others to the cave paintings, since I didn't feel like riding 4 hours roundtrip in a car and hiking 4 miles RT in the desert heat. So I cheated... I walked the short distance into town and went to the Museo Local de San Ignacio, which displays color photographs and a mock replica of the famous rock art.

On the plaza next to the small museum stands the lovely Iglesia de San Ignacio, built in the 1700's. I had read it's history and the description of the elaborate facade in the Baja Handbook, so I enjoyed studying the engraved stone plaques and ornamentation.