Monday, October 10, 2005

Boys in Uniform

Military check points are set up at several locations along the highway. I'm not sure what the purpose is, unless it's part of the 'war on drugs' program. There are usually several young men present, dressed in camo uniforms and carrying rifles slung over their shoulders. They are always friendly and usually do a superficial search of our rigs. Actually, I think they are just curious about 4 old ladies (we are all in our 60's) traveling in 3 rigs. They always ask questions like, "Where are your men?" and "Do you like to travel alone?"

I never leave my rig during the searches and only allow one person inside at a time. They seem to open drawers and cabinets out of curiosity, rather than doing an actual search. At the Guerrero Negro checkpoint, one fellow looked through my refrigerator and asked what was in a carton. When I told him it was apple juice, he asked if he could have it. "Sure" I said - I was glad to provide a bit of refreshment to someone who had to stand in the hot sun for hours.