Sunday, September 4, 2005

RVW Convention

The annual RVing Women convention of the past six days was fun and educational. Almost 400 women arrived from all over the US to participate. I ran into friends I hadn't seen in years and met new women who shared their travel stories or wanted to hear about my experiences as a fulltimer.

*** Rosemary and Julie at the banquet ***

Care was here from Washington and taught line dancing one night; we had a large turn-out and great fun! Judy Lunn was the featured entertainer on concert night and treated us to a nostalgic evening singing John Denver songs. There were long lines of women waiting to buy her CD at intermission and after the show.

The talent show put on by individual members and regional chapters provided many laughs and an opportunity to sing along or get up and polka.

*** Marie from the FreeWheelers Chapter ***

My favorite seminars were the two classes on digital photography and editing. Judy recommended using the Adobe Photoshop Elements software for editing and she has written an easy-to-understand manual that compliments it and was provided at the class. I was amazed when Judy demonstrated what can be accomplished with the editing software, so I ordered AP Elements 2.0 on eBay. Now all I have to do is take the time to apply what I learned :-)

I love this organization.
The support, education and camaraderie kept my dream alive for years before I finally bought my rig and started traveling.