Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Hard Day's Trudge

When possible, we followed game trails along the sides of hills and through the willows in order to avoid fields of tussocks. We saw a lot of moose poop but no moose. Apparantly there is a migrating herd that moves between Canada and the Kongakut area of the arctic. We also saw a lot of wolf scat in the willows along the gravel wash and found a long leg with a bit of meat still on it - probably a moose killed by the wolves.

We had to cross the snaking 'Crone Creek' (our name for it) several times in calf-high fast current, so our boots are soaked inside and out. I can't describe our surroundings adequately - tall, rugged snow-striped peaks - immense and majestic scenery - so raw and untouched. This is what fills my heart and soul.

We were tired with sore feet and legs when we stopped for the day to camp on the point of a ridge overlooking a creek on each side of it. Carol cooked us delicious vegetable soup and chile for dinner. The food has been great with more than ample portions. It was 11:00 PM when we finished eating dinner. It's hard to keep track of time because it never gets dark.