Monday, June 12, 2006

Begin the Trek

We decided to hike for a couple of miles before setting up camp. We hiked along gravel bars, sloshed across several streams, and through low willow brush - always on the alert for grizzlies.

We stick close together when traveling through brush and call out loudly so we don't come upon a bear unexpectedly. We noticed bear scat and places where they had dug for roots.

Lunch on a gravel bar - crackers, cheese, peanut butter, dried apricots, cashews and chocolate.

Our camp was on a relatively flat area on soft lichen near Joe Creek - a gorgeous wild setting. We set up our tents in a loose cluster, with the cooking tent placed downwind and away from the sleeping area. Our packs and all food are stored there overnight.

After a delicious dinner of french onion soup, salmon pasta and mint milano cookies, we hiked up to a ridge to enjoy the magnificent vista and to watch the caribou graze. Some were inspired to do Tai Chi while up there.