Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Northern Alaska Environmental Center

This morning we met with Pam Miller, Arctic Coordinator for the Northern Alaska Environmental Center in Fairbanks. Each of us introduced ourselves and spoke a bit about our lives and our varied interests and environmental concerns. Pam talked with us about promoting an awareness of the need to protect the Arctic Refuge from oil drilling, and she gave us suggestions to take back to our own states of Oregon, California and Montana. We were each given a copy of 'Broken Promises - The Reality of Big Oil in America's Arctic', a booklet she developed for the Wilderness Society.

Pam said that beneath all the arguments for the development or protection of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (and the entire Arctic region) is the understanding that there are some places on the earth that are so special, we need to save them for future generations. She called this the Bottom Line argument. She suggested we talk about the refuge as critical to preserving an intact ecosystem. (from Joan Lohman's notes)

Pam received our earth blessing vessel as a gesture of solidarity from all those supporting our trip in spirit.