Sunday, June 18, 2006

Goodbye and Hello

The gravel landing strip across the river was busy this morning, bringing other boaters to join the people already there. Susan, Ramona, and Barbara arrived and immediately inflated a raft so they could paddle over to our side to pick up Carol and deliver her to the waiting pilot. We said a boo-hoo goodbye and watched her fly away.

Ramona decided to have a layover day here so some of the other people could leave ahead of us and we wouldn't all be scrambling for the same downriver campsites. After ferrying the new gals and equipment over to our camp, we took a leisurely hike to observe wildflowers, then perched on a bluff overlooking the Kongakut. We sketched, napped, explored the surroundings, and watched the caribou walk onto the aufeis to cool off and escape the mosquitos.